Physcial Computing Blog

Week 9 - Final Project Idea

As a sound nerd, I couldn't help but think of yet another sound-related project. I don't have a clear vision of what it is that I want to build yet, but I want it to have sound (preferably ambient) and also deal with kinetic energy in someway. A kinetic music sculpture, if you will. My ideas are polyrhythms, FFT for analyzing certain frequency ranges and using that data to trigger something else, a movement maybe, loops. I haven't figured out how interactive I want this to be, I am still digging through sensors trying to figure out what could be a proper fit for this project.

I have seen examples of these kinds of kinetic musical sculptures before, and I'm sure building one is a whole process, so I try not to be so idealistic about it, I have to confine my imagination and be realistic about my vision, this can be a prototype of something bigger in the future, but for now, I need to figure out a form factor which is neither too complicated to be built in a few weeks' time nor so simple that it fails to achieve the kind of impact it was supposed to have. The examples shown in the video below are where I'm headed, but of course a winded-down version to fit my current capabalities.

Nima Niazi