Physcial Computing Blog

Week 10 - Final Project/Change of Plan

As of last week, things have changed in terms of my final project. I was asked by my friend Andrianna to join her project with Zey which is about meditation and using the Muse 2 headband to measure the state of mind during a meditation session and capturing the input into a meaningful souvenir, and since I loved the idea, I decided to join them and help them mostly with the technical side and as the programmer. I can also see how my inital idea can fit here, my idea was to turn ratios into polyrhythms, but ratios can also exist as colors, or shapes, we were discussing how we could also incorporate the ratio concept inside our final piece that we want to give to our participant. We spent one evening talking about the plan, tryin to come up with a system diagram. We decided to stick to making the MVP as soon as possible, and then add whatever else we may need to further expand the capabalities.

A system diagram for our project. A system diagram for our project. A system diagram for our project. A system diagram for our project.

The first step towards an MVP, is getting the Muse headband talk to the computer. I used the Web Bluetooth API approach becuase it seemed more straightforward. The below script is successfully getting the EEG data from the headband and logging it to the console. We are getting many variables and numbers from the device, we need to find out a way to average them or make sense of them so that it is meaningful to us.

import { MuseClient } from "muse-js";

const muse = new MuseClient();

async function connectToMuse() {
  await muse.connect();
  await muse.start();
  muse.eegReadings.subscribe((val) => {

Nima Niazi